Ilirska Bistrica is next in the competition calendar

László Szász won again in his category, and Ivan Subotić finished 2nd in his category and 11th overall in Pljevlja, Montenegro. Ilirska Bistrica is next in the competition calendar.
The mountain racers started in the framework of the CEZ in Montenegro at the weekend, where difficult conditions awaited them in the race. Although the weather was kind to them during the time trials, as the track was not covered with the best quality asphalt, so this instructed the starters to be careful on the entire section of the track, i.e. 3-4 kilometers. 
However, it started to rain during the race on Sunday, and the racing conditions gradually became more and more difficult. - We were standing at the start when it started to rain, right at the start of the formula car field, and this was a disturbing factor. On the track with poor asphalt quality, this made racing extremely dangerous, and we obviously aimed for a lower speed. Thus, driving carefully, I managed to finish in fourth place and I was able to win again in my category - declared the competitor with the diamond helmet. 
Ivan Subotić finished 11th overall and 2nd in his category. This is considered a very good result, since this year Ivan Subotić switched categories and got into a formula car. This race was the debut of the young racing driver on the track, and he also had to deal with technical problems. Those who know the sport also know that on this track and in such weather conditions, the fact that he was able to finish the race without injury is already a good result - emphasized László Szász, who will next compete in Ilirska Bistrica, Croatia, in the Slovenian-Croatian championship round at the end of August.
